Monday, June 10, 2013

Pygmies & Giants

I saw in the newspaper, a very famous IT industry leader and author comment about the second coming of Narayana Murthy to Infosys, saying, "Infosys was hurting. Pygmies were making wise comments. With the giant back, hopefully they will mind their own business".

Maybe, I am the only one, but I am confused in so many ways by this one statement. Maybe, some of you can enlighten me. 

  • Is pygmy a respectful name for the various people he is referring to? 
  • If it is a respectful name, then why is he is saying that they should mind their own business? 
  • If it is not respectfully called, is he insulting the pygmies? 
  • Is he insulting the pygmies because his company anyway does not do any software services for the pygmies? 
  • Will he change his statement when his company starts a software center in the pygmy land? 
  • When he says they will mind their own business, which business does he refer to? Infosys, or any other business? 
  • Is being a giant a good thing? I have read about Goliath, who was not such a great giant, and not my role model. 
  • Is he saying that you are either a giant or a pygmy, but nothing in between? 
  • If it is all giants in our companies, then where do we have space? 
  • Why did the giant leave behind only pygmies? 

Man, I am confused ! Too much for my brain to take in. Can someone help, please !!

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