Friday, June 18, 2010


Jesus Christ is the head of the church, as written in the Bible. We are supposed to grow as per the head, which is Christ. The head gets the onus of the actions which the body does. If the body does not act in accordance with the head, then the body is not connected with the head. It is either a headless dead body, or a body which is connected to a different head, probably wearing the mask of the original head.

Jesus loved the sinners. He was accused by the priests and the pharisees as being the friend of drunkards, gluttons and sinners. He loved them. However, the modern day affluent church has no place for them.

Jesus lived among the poor and needy. They were part of his life. To the modern day church, the poor and needy are a means of charity, throwaway money, and at best a cheap ticket to heaven.

Jesus wept with those who wept. He wiped their tears. The church and Christians have no time for that. Or maybe, it is they who caused the tears.

Jesus spoke out against meaningless rituals in the temple of God. The church has become a repetitive ritualistic place, un-connecting to many who come there.

Jesus loved the little children. He told everyone to turn and become like little children. Children could be with Jesus. In the church, the children are the least. Who cares if the worship of God connects to them, makes sense to them! Who cares if the Sunday school is happening in very constrained setup, as long as the church is worshipping standing on the marble floor.

Jesus had no wealth. He never saved or accumulated. The church has wealth, for church building funds which can run to crores. When people around are homeless, the church buildings are mansions where no one lives.

Jesus lashed out the selling courts in the temple of God. He spoke out against power structures. The church has become the power structures themselves. Money, power, corruption - these are what you hear in many church echelons of power.

And yet we call Christ the head of the church?

1 comment:

  1. Nice Post Chandy. I hope everyone who follows a religion accept human values over ritualistic dogma.

