Thursday, May 27, 2010

Paradise Lost

She was born in the verdure of her home
Midst the tall trees and the running cascades
Longed for by her parents, attended by the midwives
She came crying, dignified in her arrival

Her nurture was rich, her mother's milk for growth
Darling of her parents, joy of all around
She grew up in the richness of nature
Among the birds & beasts who became her kin

She was a delight to all, got time and attention from all around
She knew nature, she knew colours, knew the language of all
Epitome of creation, admidst all creation
She grew up, in her garden of Eden

Came then the snake one day in a Pajero
With glittering gold on his hands, his neck, his teeth
He smiled, or did he? But she heard him talking
To her parents, about giving away this land.

The snake wanted to develop this land
Cutting trees, clearing the land, building a factory
Develop by destroying, she couldn't comprehend
Building something, when everything seems perfect

The snake promised the apple, work for her parents
Showed paper he said had value
Work and money, did they need it?
The child wondered, while the elders got sold

They gave the snake their land
Instead they got some toddy, lots of it
Then started work, which took her parents away
She lost their time, their nurture, their care

The factory came up, but gone were the trees
Gone were the birds and animals, her friends
Then one day snake told the elders they are too old
Get out of the land or else they will be mowed

On she went on that long journey
The journey with her parents, her elders, her tribe
The journey to the bustle of the city
To live on the road, and then in the dirty slums

From the luscious nature one day to the slum
Her life was smeared with dirt
No money, no food, she ran between cars at the lights
Begging for money, just to be shoved away

Her childhood lost, her nurture destroyed
She became now a street child
No hope for the future, no one who cares
None really tries to understand

No litigations to help, no court-stays in favour of her
No arguments, her tribal home had to be given up
For development of others, all others but her and her tribe
She lies crucified, so we may live

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Red hot coals

Nights, Valleys, darkness
Stillness, quietness, solitude
Absence, pressure, depression
Sorrow, hunger, pain.

Wars, famine, distress
Injustice, unfairness, death
Floods, earthquakes, volcanoes
Tears, turmoil, despair

Topics these in the school of life
Success and failure all one
But ah, through it all, what comes out
Is the rose, with fragrance so deep

Lily in the murky pool
Diamonds hidden in coal
Pearls down below in deep sea pressure
Snow in tormenting cold

Beauty out of ashes
Order from chaos
Baby through the birthpangs
Butterfly from its cocoon

Looking back, it's the pain that made
The beauty of today
But when it burns through the fire
The gold, it screams in pain

Diamonds wondering why they're chiseled
Aren't we shining enough!
Yet the craftsman sees brighter lustre
Latent within, uncut

Prayers unanswered, cries muffled
Eyes run dry of tears
Yet through it all there breaks in
A lightbeam for tomorrow

The earth turns, everyday
Nights turn in to day
Life turns, it turns all the time
Nights turn in to day.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


He was in his Audi on MG Road. He was late for the dinner appointment. That's crazy. "This dinner at Taj can be a turning point in my life", he thought. "The guy is rich. He wants to interview me to see if I can run his franchisee here. Indeed, I have the money. And the experience to run ventures profitably".

He asks his driver to go fast. "What to do sir", the driver starts the string of frustration about the slow pace of the Metro construction, and the inconvenience it causes to the people.

The traffic crawling, the great man decides there is no other way but to step out of his Audi, and walk briskly. "Sir, what are you doing? The roads are messy!" The driver can't believe the man can actually walk on MG Road. Born in an Audi.

He walks briskly trying hard to keep his blue suit in tact. He manages that reasonably well. Then there comes running the all too familiar beggar children. They touch him in their characteristic style of begging, saying "Sir, hungry. No food. Money". He angrily brushes them away. They persist. They literally grab his coat pocket. With one angry shove, he pushes them away, shouting "Beggars, get lost".

He walks faster. He is late. He prays, "God, please let this venture succeed. You know I need this desperately for securing my future". He pleads.

In the loud traffic of MG Road, the wind carried away a whisper which was meant for him. "Beggar".

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Paradise is Lost

Here I dream of a better world
A world where none has need
A world where all the wealth is shared
Man has no more greed

People love one another
Hatred is no more
A world with song and laughter
Joyful noise abound

No more killing, no more grabbing of wealth
People know they'll die one day
They know they'll have to leave behind
All the things they take

People share, people give
Rich and poor, no one
No terrorist, no millionaire
Guns are things of past

God is seen in all religions
Faith and love are one
No jealousy, no hypocrisy
Nothing lasts but love

I love to dream of this better world
To give to you my child
But oh how far we've drifted away
Paradise indeed is lost.