Wednesday, May 19, 2010


He was in his Audi on MG Road. He was late for the dinner appointment. That's crazy. "This dinner at Taj can be a turning point in my life", he thought. "The guy is rich. He wants to interview me to see if I can run his franchisee here. Indeed, I have the money. And the experience to run ventures profitably".

He asks his driver to go fast. "What to do sir", the driver starts the string of frustration about the slow pace of the Metro construction, and the inconvenience it causes to the people.

The traffic crawling, the great man decides there is no other way but to step out of his Audi, and walk briskly. "Sir, what are you doing? The roads are messy!" The driver can't believe the man can actually walk on MG Road. Born in an Audi.

He walks briskly trying hard to keep his blue suit in tact. He manages that reasonably well. Then there comes running the all too familiar beggar children. They touch him in their characteristic style of begging, saying "Sir, hungry. No food. Money". He angrily brushes them away. They persist. They literally grab his coat pocket. With one angry shove, he pushes them away, shouting "Beggars, get lost".

He walks faster. He is late. He prays, "God, please let this venture succeed. You know I need this desperately for securing my future". He pleads.

In the loud traffic of MG Road, the wind carried away a whisper which was meant for him. "Beggar".


  1. Buddham saranam gachhami!

    Somewhere I read (don't know its authenticity) , Buddha's father pleads him to come back to palace and be a king , saying to him , "my father is a king , I am a king and you also should be a king"!

    For that it seems Buddha replied , "my grand father is a beggar , my father is a beggar and I too am a beggar"!
