Friday, April 23, 2010

Blood Money of Paradox

We run after meaningless pursuits and "intellectual" games, knowing fully well we are being paid to solve the wrong problem, not to solve the right problem, not to even recognize the right problem, so that the higher our pay, the better it ensures our blindness to what is natural.

In the academic world, we know most of the things that we teach the children are wrong, un-established and outright intellectual frauds, yet we teach them anyway.

The children know, by their natural, God-given intuition , that most of the things they learn are intellectually challenged, yet they learn to survive the educational and professional machinery, where they are destined to live and die.

Everyone knows the harder you work and the larger you earn, the lesser you live to enjoy it, yet you work harder.

All of us know that after all the careful planning we do to amass millions, an icelandic volcano can collapse our economic ant-hills, yet we still hire the MBAs who wear the suit and tie even in our hot weather. (Iceland anyway had its sweet revenge now through nature's help for its economic collapse).

Everyone knows that the solution to salvage corporations is simple - remove the highest paid executives and officers and replace them with the practical hardworking people. Yet we pay them higher, and if that is not enough, we hire more from the market (market - a nice word to fit where they come from), to solve the problem that they themselves are.

Everyone knows that chemotherapy is a primitive and outdated form, intellectually horrifying form, of treating cancer - you did not need so much of academic foundations to invent this kind of a "cure" - yet you subject millions to that and help the promoters achieve return on their investments.

Everyone knows that faith healers always are the winners. If you get healed, it is because of their prayer, and if you do not get healed it is because of the absence of your faith. So it is a win-always situation for them. Yet millions flock after them throwing all their money to them. A nice profession.

Everyone knows that children are most impressionable by parents at their very young age, and then they will go off after less than 10 years or so into their own independent worlds. Yet we work hardest and find no time to be with them at this impressionable age, so that you can earn enough to handle the exponential consequent damage this absence caused, and you spend your life uncared by them in your lonely home or old age home!

And before we learn all these, we die, so the next generation can continue the same games.

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