Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Full circle

Slow down, you move too fast
You're a whirlwind others wish away
You go too fast, never looking back
To see the rubble you've caused

Slow down? But why should I?
Won't I fall down now if I do?
Isn't the world moving even faster?
That I'm struggling hard to keep the pace?

Won't I be left behind?
Won't I be outdated?
Obsolete, a dinosaur
Only a fossil I'd be?

Huh! Won't you be left behind?
You? Or those you leave behind?
Who grow distant day by day
Who give up keeping pace with you?

Who say there's no point trying
He is just too fast
You hear them say, you pretend not
But inside you're feeling proud

You're excited you're the fastest
In your pack, in your tribe
You're deaf to the still small voice
That says you're tearing down!

Your fastest sprint to loneliness!
Too tired, you faint, you fall
You try to get up, then you fall
Too tired even to crawl back.

Crawl back to them who still love you
Trying hard still to keep pace with you
You wake up when the tear drops fall
From the eyes you left behind

They've caught up with you after years of toil
Years of loneliness
Yet they still have the strength to lift you
You who outpaced them so long ago!


  1. Nice one Jacob! Knew you can sing and play the guitar. But never knew there is a poet in you.

    But why is that we still run, knowing very well that we will have to crawl back to our peace. Some questions are destined to remain unanswered, I guess, or may be we know the answer but turn a blind eye to it.

  2. Lovely comment indeed. Thanks Jigesh for checking my blog. Stay in touch.
