Nights, Valleys, darkness
Stillness, quietness, solitude
Absence, pressure, depression
Sorrow, hunger, pain.
Wars, famine, distress
Injustice, unfairness, death
Floods, earthquakes, volcanoes
Tears, turmoil, despair
Topics these in the school of life
Success and failure all one
But ah, through it all, what comes out
Is the rose, with fragrance so deep
Lily in the murky pool
Diamonds hidden in coal
Pearls down below in deep sea pressure
Snow in tormenting cold
Beauty out of ashes
Order from chaos
Baby through the birthpangs
Butterfly from its cocoon
Looking back, it's the pain that made
The beauty of today
But when it burns through the fire
The gold, it screams in pain
Diamonds wondering why they're chiseled
Aren't we shining enough!
Yet the craftsman sees brighter lustre
Latent within, uncut
Prayers unanswered, cries muffled
Eyes run dry of tears
Yet through it all there breaks in
A lightbeam for tomorrow
The earth turns, everyday
Nights turn in to day
Life turns, it turns all the time
Nights turn in to day.
Wah Wah....philosophical and realistic. Great Job.