Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Before the next rain falls

Oh the rain, it brings back memories
Takes you to the past, makes you refreshed
How you played in the rain, with paperboats downstream
Oh the rain, it brings back sweet memories.

What a wonderful rain, you thought
Sipping your coffee with a book in your hand
The beauty of its pouring, oh how marvellous
Oh I wish the rain will never end!

"Oh, when will this cursed rain end", she shouted
My roof of cloth is all soaked
I'm tired of draining out the buckets of water
I've run out of my vessels, but still it pours

It's flowing down from the upper road, like an avalanche
Destroying everything that's on its way
My books and clothes all drenched, when will they ever dry?
Will my tears ever dry?

The rain keeps pouring, it doesn't care
These drops bring tears of joy to some, sorrow to others
The rain of blessings, the rain of despair
The rain of hope, the rain which comes as the end!

Now the rain stops, and I'm done with my coffee
My book's unfinished! Oh why did it stop so fast!
Let me get back to myself, my life, my all
Wishing it will rain again for my joy

Now she gathers the roof, drips it dry
The children come back from school, "Mom, what fun we had getting back"
"Come and help me dry our house", she screamed
Hoping she'll have a better roof, before the next rain falls

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