Tuesday, July 26, 2011

1 < 1, 1+1 > 2

In lines with the thought of collective intelligence, there is a very simple concept which can be implemented by NGOs focusing on people with disabilities. Concept is straightforward. The disability a person has is typically in one faculty, be it in the eye, be it in hearing, be it in physical movement. Left alone, or even in groups of people with the same disability, they have a disadvantage. However, group the people of various disabilities together, and you together have the disability issue resolved, and the advantage of teamwork. A visually disabled person put together with a physically disabled person and a hearing disabled person make a great team if specialized coaching can be given on various types of teamwork. Disability hence do not any more become a disadvantage. They will also always enjoy the company of another person and hence monotony of work is gone too.

1 is less than one with the disability. However 1 plus 1 is more than 2 with the collective intelligence, just as in team cycling.

The thought was triggered when I read about a Chinese NGO working with disabled people whose name is One Plus One. I have checked with them if they follow this model. Respond to me in this blog with your views and also if you know NGOs who do this already.

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