Thursday, April 29, 2010

Judas in the mirror

John 13:21-30. The narrative of Jesus saying that one of the disciples will betray him. Jesus says, "Whoever I dip the bread and give to, is the one". Then he gives it to Judas. Jesus tells him, "What you have to do, do quickly". Judas goes out. But the disciples thought Jesus told him to buy something for the festival, or to get something for the poor.

A few things are very obvious. No one expected Judas to be the one who would betray the Messiah. Despite the very obvious sign from Jesus in the above passage, no one even suspects that Judas would do it. The disciples thought he was going out to buy something for the festival, or to get something for the poor (vs 29). Moreover Jesus always entrusted Judas to get stuff, or to buy things for the poor. So this was daily life for them!

Judas as perhaps a good man, a man who was better in some ways than the rest. Was it love for money that prompted him to do what he did? No. He definitely did not have to go to that extreme, that too for 30 silver coins. If that much wickedness and greed was there in his heart, to show the Lord for money, it needed only much less wickedness to steal the same money from the money bag, since he himself was the keeper, with no one even auditing it.

Did Judas do it to give Jesus an opportunity to prove He is Christ? Possible. Many times, we like to create situations for God to prove Himself. But then, at those moments, are we trying thereby make him "not-God", since we try to stage-manage these situations?

It is easy to condemn Judas. However, do we see him in the mirror?

Two verses are interesting here. a) As soon as he got the bread from Jesus, Satan entered him (13:27), and b) As soon as he ate the bread, he went out, and it was night.

We are all vulnerable to be attacked by Satan. If we are not watchful, he can enter us through the most holy interaction, as in the above verse. The nights of our lives can come any moment. When we think we stand, that is exactly when we fall.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Nourishing cancers

The terrible danger when apparent good co-exists with evil in the same person. When you are at the same time evil to a smaller group and good to a much larger group. The evil then gets ignored because of the majority support for the good. This gives the evil core food for growth - till the evil spreads like cancer. Then there is no chemotherapy which can stop this. Once it is cancerous, it goes out of control. But during the initial phases of this growth, the tumor should not get confused and hailed as progressive growth.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Where do I run?

A song, inspired by the psalms.

1. Where do I run from your presence O Lord?
Where do I hide from your sight?
My life ebbs away, days of suffering grip me
Night pierces my bones, my pains never end.

Do not hide your face from your servant
Answer me for I'm in trouble
Come on near me and rescue me
Because of my foes

Come redeem O Lord, you're my only helper
Come and save me, let your presence fill.

2. You know I am scorned, disgraced and ashamed
Pain and distress fill my life
My enemies mock me, turn and laugh at my faith
Comforters none can I find.

Do not hide your face from your servant
Answer me for I'm in trouble
Come on near me and rescue me
Because of my foes

Come redeem O Lord, you're my only helper
Come and save me, let your presence fill.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


The temptation of the mainstream. The ease of being in the majority. It is so easy to flow with the tide of the mainstream.

The fish in the mainstream thinks it is going somewhere. And indeed, it is going somewhere. But the mainstream decides where it is going, not the fish. The fish does not have a say. But the fish does not care. In the annual report of the school (the fish school), they can still write page after page about what they accomplished in their journey. You can never complain about inaction to them. They will be offended. They were truly busy, working hard, swimming with the mainstream, to pursue the dreams the mainstream defined. The mainstream demands hardwork, strong muzzles, and a 24 by 7 commitment. Come to work with your sleeping bags, they exhort you, and of course they have even storage shelves for your sleeping bags, since most of the time you can sleep in the night at your desks anyway. The mainstream cares for you. They have 24 by 7 coffee and food, and many times even free. For your health they have gymansium, basket ball courts (of course, basket ball is a better fad than the local football and volleyball). The food in the cafeteria is specially designed for your health. The mainstream cares for you, and is even much better equipped to care for you, than your family. Your family? We are your family, the mainstream says. They of course sympathize with your family for the sacrifices you are making for the mainstream on their behalf. For all the time that you do not get with your families, the mainstream covers all of them, even your in-laws, with attractive health-care packages. After all, isn't it also for them?

But as for the fish who wanted to go the improbable, it has to face the odds. The ridicule of the mainstream, the strong disbelief of the very family the mainstream actually isolated from you, and even the society who can't comprehend why the hell you left such an attractive lead in the mainstream. Can you swim upstream? Are you trained to swim another way? Are you crazy? Come on. Be real! What is wrong with the mainstream anyway? Afterall, isn't life also favourable to the mainstream? Do you know how to dare danger in the upstream? The still small voice says that the daring and systematic encounters with the upstream can change the direction of your life, and the lives of the others who were left uncared for in the bylanes of mainstream.


Friday, April 23, 2010

Blood Money of Paradox

We run after meaningless pursuits and "intellectual" games, knowing fully well we are being paid to solve the wrong problem, not to solve the right problem, not to even recognize the right problem, so that the higher our pay, the better it ensures our blindness to what is natural.

In the academic world, we know most of the things that we teach the children are wrong, un-established and outright intellectual frauds, yet we teach them anyway.

The children know, by their natural, God-given intuition , that most of the things they learn are intellectually challenged, yet they learn to survive the educational and professional machinery, where they are destined to live and die.

Everyone knows the harder you work and the larger you earn, the lesser you live to enjoy it, yet you work harder.

All of us know that after all the careful planning we do to amass millions, an icelandic volcano can collapse our economic ant-hills, yet we still hire the MBAs who wear the suit and tie even in our hot weather. (Iceland anyway had its sweet revenge now through nature's help for its economic collapse).

Everyone knows that the solution to salvage corporations is simple - remove the highest paid executives and officers and replace them with the practical hardworking people. Yet we pay them higher, and if that is not enough, we hire more from the market (market - a nice word to fit where they come from), to solve the problem that they themselves are.

Everyone knows that chemotherapy is a primitive and outdated form, intellectually horrifying form, of treating cancer - you did not need so much of academic foundations to invent this kind of a "cure" - yet you subject millions to that and help the promoters achieve return on their investments.

Everyone knows that faith healers always are the winners. If you get healed, it is because of their prayer, and if you do not get healed it is because of the absence of your faith. So it is a win-always situation for them. Yet millions flock after them throwing all their money to them. A nice profession.

Everyone knows that children are most impressionable by parents at their very young age, and then they will go off after less than 10 years or so into their own independent worlds. Yet we work hardest and find no time to be with them at this impressionable age, so that you can earn enough to handle the exponential consequent damage this absence caused, and you spend your life uncared by them in your lonely home or old age home!

And before we learn all these, we die, so the next generation can continue the same games.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lighted to lighten

A little child, a little flower
Freshly bloomed today
A ray of hope, a smile so dear
Bringing life again.

Fresh to the earth, fresh to dream
Fresh to create joy within
Like a phoenix, out of the ashes
Revives love's flow, restores our lives

Dream on, live life full
Hope in God, go unafraid
Conquer worlds, regenerate
Light the snuffed out lamps

Spread your fragrance, spread your smiles
Blaze the world with fire of hope
And when you die, let others see
The trail of joy you left behind

Live your life, don't just exist
Let your chalice overflow
Trust in God, Live in faith
Till the day you're home again

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hidden gems in the Bible

Here are some beautiful verses from the Bible, largely hidden amidst more popular verses. Putting the references, in case someone wants to explore further on the context etc. , and a small note from me.

1 Kings 1:6: His father had never interfered with him by asking, "Why do you behave as you do?"
- King David, the model king of Israel, but a weak father ! Maybe a popular father, but the outcome resulted in more than one rebellious children. In our days of busy-ness, how much time do we fathers invest in our children? In that small time, we do not want to be the "bad" father. David was busier perhaps than us. Maybe that's why he was like that. Maybe that is what is in store for us too?

1 Kings 6:38, 7:1: He (King Solomon) had spent 7 years building (the temple of the Lord). It took Solomon 13 years however to complete the construction of his palace.
- An interesting note on our priorities. Is it God, or is it us?

Colossians 2:20-23: Since you died with Christ to the basic principles of this world, why do you submit to its rules: Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!? These are based on human commands and teachings. Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.
- Saved by grace, yet living captive ! What an irony!

Proverbs 3:9,10: Honour the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new vine.
- Age old wisdom of Solomon, proven through many lives, yet how difficult to try, isn't it?

2 Timothy 3:7: Always learning, but never able to acknowledge the truth
- Isn't this what's happening in our churches, in our Bible study groups, in our lives? We are good at solving theoretical puzzles, but when applied to real lives, we fail.

1 Chronicles 1:19: One was named Pelag, because in his time the earth was divided
- And you thought it was an original concept from "Ice Age", the movie ! :-)

Numbers 9:23: At the Lord's command they encamped, and at the Lord's command they set out.
- The Lord, in every act of life.

Proverbs 16:33: The lot is cast into the lap; but its every decision is from the Lord
- Is randomness really random?

1 Chronicles 21:24: I will not take for the Lord what is yours, or sacrifice a burnt offering that costs me nothing.
- How much of the "second mile" do we walk for others?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Broken cisterns

"God my purpose, God my all
Whether I live or die,
My life would ever glorify God
All through my living breath.

My desire, that I be a channel
To others who live in pain
A channel of hope to all around
A blessing to the weary"

Waking up from worship in my airconditioned church
Got out to the heat, oh how scorching!
Beggars all around, I give a ten-rupee note
And pat myself on the back - how great I am !

Young ones crawling on stumped legs
To beg for one more meal
Quietly I pass them by
Snatching away their hope.

I thank my God for my blessings
Oh what a "purpose driven life"
The pastor's rendition, oh so beautiful
In my cozy, homely church!

But for them that crawl, is living a joy
Or is dying wee better than living?
The child in dirty rags who pesters
The old woman who never stops her mumbling!

In the warmth of our homes, our lives
Dying and living, all filled with hope
But to them that suffer all around us
Can our overflowing cup pour in?

Pouring out ourselves for them
Dying, so they may live
That one more little candle is lit
To glow in their small dark corner

Empty lives, empty vessels
All around to be filled
May our fragile lives add in the least one drop
To their parched and hopeless throats.

"Purpose Driven Life" - our thoughts and prayer
We talk endlessly in the house of God
House of God? Or mansions?
Palaces, where God would dread to come?

Better marble, better ambience
Air-conditioning, and red carpets
House of God, or vulgarity of man's wealth?
When the man you can see hasn't a roof for his own?

"Living is God, dying is gain"
My life, is it another's gain?
If not, whether in life or in death
We live, we die, purposeless lives.

Purpose-driven, we think, yet purposeless
If the other is not mine own
If the other is not my own reflection
Till then, let me rest no more!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Little carpenters

He was there in the Upper Room
Talking to his friends, his disciples, his beloved
He had taught them how to live, how to love
How to speak, and how to live.

And he said, "Take ye, this cup, and drink,
Drink ye everyone of this, this same cup
The same cup that I drink
And share, share in my suffering

Take ye this cup, and drink
Drink of this, this cup of suffering
That ye may live as I lived
And share in my life, my death, my suffering.

He lived his 30 years in peace
Loved by his home, his friends, his loved ones
He was the charm of his home, He was the joy of his beloved
Loved, loved by everyone.

He lived his 30 years in his small circle
A model in the house of the Lord
An example for everyone
And mothers said, "Sons, look at him and live".

'Cos he was just a carpenter
A real, real good ole carpenter
He did good, he loved all
'Cos he was still a nice, loved carpenter.

And his 31st year came, and he came out to the open
He spoke out against sin, he spoke out against evil
He still loved everyone, but he cleansed the temple
And cried with them, and he spoke out against sin.

He healed the sick, admonished demons
He raised the dead, questioned corruption
And they didn't like it, 'cos he was blaspheming
Healing on the Lord's day !

And so he lived all three years, He was a threat to the people in power
At worship, and in the land
Because he spoke for the sinners, spoke for the poor,
And mothers said, "Sons, He's no longer the one you wanna look at"

They arrested him, inflicted him
Tried him a mistrial
And they took him to a hill
And they crucified him, and there he died

We've lived 20 years, 30 years, 30 years in peace
Loved by our homes, our friends, our church
We are the joy of all we know, Loved, loved by everyone.
And mothers say, "Sons, look at him ... look at her".

We have lived 40 years, 50 years, 60 and 70 years
In peace, in peace with everyone
We've never talked things which they don't like
And we're loved, loved by everyone

'Cos we all are still, just a bunch of carpenters
Some real, real good ole carpenters
We do good, we love all
And we are nice, loved, little carpenters.

He said, "Take this cup, and drink
Drink of this, this cup of suffering
And as ye drink, and share of this
Remember me, oh yeah, remember me.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Full circle

Slow down, you move too fast
You're a whirlwind others wish away
You go too fast, never looking back
To see the rubble you've caused

Slow down? But why should I?
Won't I fall down now if I do?
Isn't the world moving even faster?
That I'm struggling hard to keep the pace?

Won't I be left behind?
Won't I be outdated?
Obsolete, a dinosaur
Only a fossil I'd be?

Huh! Won't you be left behind?
You? Or those you leave behind?
Who grow distant day by day
Who give up keeping pace with you?

Who say there's no point trying
He is just too fast
You hear them say, you pretend not
But inside you're feeling proud

You're excited you're the fastest
In your pack, in your tribe
You're deaf to the still small voice
That says you're tearing down!

Your fastest sprint to loneliness!
Too tired, you faint, you fall
You try to get up, then you fall
Too tired even to crawl back.

Crawl back to them who still love you
Trying hard still to keep pace with you
You wake up when the tear drops fall
From the eyes you left behind

They've caught up with you after years of toil
Years of loneliness
Yet they still have the strength to lift you
You who outpaced them so long ago!

Song of the rainbow

I have seen your tears
Felt them in the palm of my hand
Tears of sorrow, loneliness
Tears of inside pain.

I have seen your tears
I see why you hurt
Uselessness, insufficiency,
Reflections fill your thoughts

Tears behind your laughters
Your smiles are soaked within
Struggles that you hesitate
To bring out in your tears!

I see your heart, its lonely beat
Beating on, not knowing why
Dampened by your weariness
Unseen to the eye

I have seen your tears, my child
Let me wipe them now
Wipe them out with mine own tears
A shoulder for your cries

Let me keep my pace with you
Walking by your side
So I can touch those tears to sparkle
Rainbows from your eyes

Wipe a tear today, my friend
Heal a hurting soul
Life is just too short to rush
You'll reach the end too soon

Let those tears now be your prize
When you face the Lord
Let it glow out heavenly rainbows
In that glorious light.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dance of the Bubbles - A poem

Here is a poem I wrote 20 years ago, sitting in a boring mechanical engineering calass (for an electronics student! - you can imagine the pain), staring at the face of the lecturer who went on an on about some thermodynamics lesson. Dedicated to him and thermodynamics (whatever that deeply means :-) )

Dance of the Bubbles
The water is cold, emotionless and dull
Filled in a vessel, which is equally cold
Who can ever make it dance with joy
Fire says, "I will, this task is mine!"

"How?", everyone cries, "it's herculean,
'Cos as cold as cold can be, this guy is dull"
"Leave it to me, warm kisses are mine
I'll kiss him and kiss him and make him dance with joy"

"Show us", they cried, "fire eased his way
Right beneath the cold pan with the coldest water in
Fire started smiling in light yellow and blue
Tinged with red, its kisses of warmth

Water seems to be adamant, "I won't budge
Let alone dancing, I won't even smile."
But the warmth is filling every single moment
Till one bubble inside shouted, "Here I come!"

The little bubble came out from beneath all the cold
It was shy and slow, but smiled and came up
The other bubbles couldn't resist, they followed its path
Dancing and singing with enflamed joy

Now the bubbles are dancing, filled with ecstacy
They beckoned the water, "Come buddy, let's dance"
Water couldn't resist, 'cos deep inside
It was bubbling with joy, Oh! the kisses of fire!

Child Sacrifice

There is a news item which comes once in a way about the father or a witch doctor in a remote village who sacrificed a child, expecting great bounty from the gods. We shudder at that news! How un-civilized, we say ! We lament that after 60 years of independence, certain parts of India are still in darkness.

There is news everyday of modern day heroes who started successful companies and have amassed wealth. They are honoured with premium awards, recognitions and positions. The stories of how hard they worked to reach there, inspire us. Millions of young professionals across the country dream to be like them. We are proud that our country has become extremely hardworking in 60 years of independence, and that we are making it real big in our lives. Work indeed is worship!

What a contrast between the two images! Yet how sadly similar!

We are busy at work. Deadlines, payhikes, promotions - aren't all these very crucial to a secure future of our children? Don't these ensure them better education in premium universities around the world, in an age where money can buy everything?

We are so excited when our American or British boss answers our phone call during his vacation. We tell everyone about his commitment to work! How foolish of us not to realize that we have not taken a break, leave alone a vacation with family, in years!

In vain we fight Valentine days saying it is an assault on our civilization. We fight the silly ones. That's easy. The deadlier enemies are already part of our own genes. Deeply engrained within us. In search of the high salaries every month in our bank accounts, we have surrendered our time, our health, our energy, our society, our families, our children - all to companies all around - within India and without - who make profit.

Our children are growing up un-nurtured in the cities. We are not around to answer their questions. We are not around to spend time with them, to watch them play, to watch them grow up. We feel they will grow with the tremendous knowledge that they gather from the Television and the Internet. If only good gardens grew with good soil, rain and sunlight alone!

While we are away at work, our children are idolizing the TV soap role models. If we ever get time to watch our children play in the parks of our apartments, we'll see teen soap operas live there. The accent, the dress, the manners - oh how proud we are to be part of a globalized world!

We are sacrificing our children, our country's future, on the altar of globalization. The gods of the flat world will not come to our rescue. Cardiac arrests, strokes, wayward children will be our own retiral benefits, and we wil have all the time to enjoy it all till our death.

Parable of the Talents - A non-theological view

Luke 19:11-27: In the story of the talents, the man who had one talent was afraid of the master and of his accountability to him. Because of this fear, he did not want to deviate even a little bit from his understanding of his master. Looks like the master himself was surprised at his servant's misunderstanding about him. The ones who multiplied their talents did not seek the master's opinion or the master's will in every step. Instead, they were clear about what they had received. They identified their own ways to multiply the talents they got, and submitted the returns to the master and the master was pleased. Aren't we like the servant who got 1 talent but did not use it since we would have liked to ensure that we are pleasing our master in every step? Is this also hence a story of self-decision making at the various steps involved in multiplying the talents, and being accountable to God primarily for the end result?

My First Blog !

My First Blog ! So used to writing good thoughts, need to get used to getting the right side of the brain work while the hands are busy typing !

Let it Rain ! What a refreshing thought ! Rain blessings, rain emotions, rain thoughts, rain songs - abundance of everything nice - may this blog rain down !