Sunday, November 12, 2023

A journey

 Another one from the ME Class of 5th Sem !!  The thoughts seem inspired by Streams in the Desert. 

'Twas so cruel, the unexpected tragedy

The future suddenly seems blurred

My head is heavy, I can't think

How long will I worry, I never know 

A voice inside beckons sweet and clear

Leave your worries and come out for a voyage

I'll take you to lands you've never been

To marvels of life you'd never dream. 

We started together, out away

The path, the means, I never know

But out of my being, I feel free

Free of my worries, all burdens of life

Soon I'm basked in a stream of light

The golden rays all over me

I feel refreshed, bathed in this lux

Of sun, on earth you'll never see. 

Birds greet my arrival to their haven

They talk to me in a voice so sweet

Singing songs, they ease my mind

Stroking me, they seem so dear.

Dewdrops are there, kissing me

Keeps me cool with their sweet tender touch

Clouds so white come as shelter to me

Tells me I've got nothing to worry. 

All of them seem confused 'bout the earth below

Man and his ways, to them seem strange

Strange contrasts between them and men

We seem to be worried about a hella lot of things. 

"We don't reap, we don't sow

But we live on, coz our God provides

We don't fret, we don't fight

Nor do we kill each other", they said. 

"Why are you so worried, so cruel always

So angry everytime to each and everyone

Is it because you don't have, like us

A God to care for your in every hour?

If not, tell us, we'll tell our God

To take care of you, as He takes care of us

Coz we're always so free to him

We talk with him always, as we can". 

"Oh stop!", I cried, "It's because of ourselves

That we waste our lives fretting and fighting, 

Greed is in us, anger is in us, 

Our minds are always engaged in thoughts which don't help. 

We also have a God, just like you have, 

The same Lord, who cares for all of us

But we never care to listen to Him

When he wants to comfort us, we're too busy. 

The fatal situation, when we think

That we're the ultimate, God is nothing!

That's what we're in now, and so always

Our minds and hearts are burdened with woes. 

Since you talk to God everytime dear pals

Tell Him to forgive us, our great neglect

Tell Him to come to us, comfort us, and care for us

And be with us always, as He's with you".

I'm myself

 Written probably when I was in 1st year Engineering. Has an  rebellious tone.. It started then itself :-)

Let the whole world go one way

And leave me alone

I'll prefer the other way, sir

Coz I'm myself. 

Miseries and sorrows I can't bear

Hardships, I'm afraid to take

Still I've got my excuse, 

I'm myself. 

I'm myself, don't compare me with any

I'm myself, in a way of my own

Let me be wrong, let me be foolish

But sir, never mind, coz I'm myself

Inner conscience, why art thou sad? 

Don't ever think that I'll leave you

Coz e'en when the whole world turns against me

I'm not bothered, coz I'm myself

Reaching the heights, it's my job

If I want to become great, it is a task of mine alone

Coz no one will do my things for me

So why should you compare me with anyone else? 

I'm myself.

Once again

Another poem from the Mechanical Engineering class in 5th Sem !! Never knew ME can be so inspiring :-)

 Rising in the morning with all its grace

A pleasant rouge, a pleasant face

Scattering its golden rays to our minds

To wipe our tears, to warm our hearts

A ray of hope to the hopeless

A beam of light to the people in the dark

A feel of warmth to the leaves of trees

A stroke of love to the budding flowers

Birds chirp to greet your arrival

Flying about in gaiety

The leaves all dance, the flowers bloom

All the world wakes up with joy. 

A fresh morning, a new day

But this freshness and solemnity, how long will it last 

The day is on, busy life's ahead

To be corrupted by all that's lying before. 

Vehicles on the road polluting the air

Technology has its own share

Man walks about, giving a thought

As to how he should cheat someone, to earn more wealth. 

But everything comes to an end everyday

The evening comes, the close of the day

All the evils are set to rest

All the sins wiped off

Once again the sun shines, bidding farewell

A sad face does it seem to be? 

A sweet goodbye, but with the message

That "once again" I'll come, with a fresh new morning. 

Should you or should you not !

 Wrote in Mechanical Engineering Class in 5th Sem:-). What an out of place subject for an Electronics student. Surely, explains the confusion... 

Should you see my mind clearly? 

At times I feel that you shouldn't

But there are quite a lot of times, when

Nothing but your reading my mind can help me. 

The hidden mind of course has a charm of its own

The desire to know what's not known

If everything I think is known to you

Then life would be quite blank, quite grey and un-exciting. 

I guess the joy of keeping a secret, 

Gives the pleasure of playing a game

Coz when you find it out on your own

It makes us overjoyed, both you and me. 

If I had an eye at the back of my head

There's nothing to fear, nothing to be cautious about

But the world becomes so dull and un-exciting

The excitement of being adventurous is lost. 

But when I feel lonely and sad

When all I need is someone to care

I feel that everything is so easy, except

Your fully understanding my mind

Coz if only you know my mind fully

Can you feel for me and be loving to me

Coz all I need is comfort from you

A person who fully understands my mind. 

Should you read my mind, or should you not 

The strangest dilemma I've ever been in

In this beautiful world of perplexions

Let's add one more confusion. 

My friend, .....

 Another rambling from a self examining teenager. Not a poem. Some thoughts. 

Written sometime in 1991. 

The world around seems so strange, People's behaviour so confusing

The people who smile at you today, the kin who laugh with you today, 

Turn away their faces when you're in trouble, 

When you just want nothing but a smile from them.

Yesterday seemed so beautiful, there were friends all around to share your dreams

Laughter, we laughed together, Songs, we sang together

And you thought the whole world was meaningful, the whole life was happy

Let only troubles come, my friends would be there, I said. 

Sorry my friend, I'm sorry, coz when I talked to you today, 

I thought you had already understood my problems, and so you'd be caring as ever

But I didn't see that caring face, I couldn't see that loving smile

But rather, I saw another casual smile from your face, 

As if it came from just another friend. 

I don't want that from you, just another person to talk to

But rather I love you to be a most loving friend

A friend who will see me in and out, at times of joy and at times of woe

Coz only true friends have the power of reading each others' minds. 

I want you to be loving, I want you to be caring

Just understand me always, and I'll be glad

Coz whenever I am in trouble, or whenever I am sad

I can come to you and find a loving and helping hand. 

Please be the same 'you' always

Wherever you are or whatever you do

Do be the same "you" always to me

Then I can count on you anytime. 

My heart has lost desire to stay

Burdened with sadness I never expected to come

If I can lean myself on you, and lay down my burdened heart before you

Yes, that's what I'll cherish the most, the most. 

Oh, Death !

 This poem was written while in REC, probably in 5th Sem or 6th, when I was 19 or 20. A friend's friend passed away in a drowning accident, and this poem was penned seeing the grief of my friend. 


The inexplicable phenomenon, 

Or is it just an illusion? 

What is real in this world? What is ultimate? 

Life and all the beauty with it

Life and all the love in it

Is it to be lost away, with all its splendour, 

Where is it going, without a trace !

What you called life yesterday

Started from nothing

And what you called death today

Is it the end, leaving nothing? 

Life in a being, it comes from nowhere

Is it from nowhere, or is it from somewhere? 

If it is from somewhere, then when life leaves its frail body abandoned, 

Does it go to the same somewhere? 

Is it a cruel paradox, or is it sweet, That

when you came to this world, you cried, everybody smiled, 

And now when you're gone, 

You smile, and every heart cries !

The life that was here among us, 

'Twas so charming, so it will not perish

It will find a sweeter place, sing a sweeter song, 

And I pray that one day I'll find you again, 

Yes, One day, I will find you again, 

Coz you're there, I am still loving you !