Sunday, November 12, 2023

A journey

 Another one from the ME Class of 5th Sem !!  The thoughts seem inspired by Streams in the Desert. 

'Twas so cruel, the unexpected tragedy

The future suddenly seems blurred

My head is heavy, I can't think

How long will I worry, I never know 

A voice inside beckons sweet and clear

Leave your worries and come out for a voyage

I'll take you to lands you've never been

To marvels of life you'd never dream. 

We started together, out away

The path, the means, I never know

But out of my being, I feel free

Free of my worries, all burdens of life

Soon I'm basked in a stream of light

The golden rays all over me

I feel refreshed, bathed in this lux

Of sun, on earth you'll never see. 

Birds greet my arrival to their haven

They talk to me in a voice so sweet

Singing songs, they ease my mind

Stroking me, they seem so dear.

Dewdrops are there, kissing me

Keeps me cool with their sweet tender touch

Clouds so white come as shelter to me

Tells me I've got nothing to worry. 

All of them seem confused 'bout the earth below

Man and his ways, to them seem strange

Strange contrasts between them and men

We seem to be worried about a hella lot of things. 

"We don't reap, we don't sow

But we live on, coz our God provides

We don't fret, we don't fight

Nor do we kill each other", they said. 

"Why are you so worried, so cruel always

So angry everytime to each and everyone

Is it because you don't have, like us

A God to care for your in every hour?

If not, tell us, we'll tell our God

To take care of you, as He takes care of us

Coz we're always so free to him

We talk with him always, as we can". 

"Oh stop!", I cried, "It's because of ourselves

That we waste our lives fretting and fighting, 

Greed is in us, anger is in us, 

Our minds are always engaged in thoughts which don't help. 

We also have a God, just like you have, 

The same Lord, who cares for all of us

But we never care to listen to Him

When he wants to comfort us, we're too busy. 

The fatal situation, when we think

That we're the ultimate, God is nothing!

That's what we're in now, and so always

Our minds and hearts are burdened with woes. 

Since you talk to God everytime dear pals

Tell Him to forgive us, our great neglect

Tell Him to come to us, comfort us, and care for us

And be with us always, as He's with you".

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